(Original Australian Cast)
"Witt's performance alone is reason enough to see this show."
- Au Review
"Rowan Witt is a knockout!"
- Daily Telegraph
"Let Rowan Witt, who is the standout
in The Book of Mormon, get the award
he deserves."
- Sydney Morning Herald
"The Book of Mormon is incredibly funny,
but also touching - thanks in no small part to a sympathetic performance by Rowan Witt."
- Limelight Magazine
"Rowan Witt as Elder McKinley
is nothing short of hilarious."
- The AU Review
"Rowan Witt is utterly hilarious.
His whole body language is an aching love letter to the glory of showbiz."
- ABC News
- Chat 10 Looks 3
"Rowan Witt basically steals the show"
- AU REview
(Hayes Theatre Co.)
"Witt is Dashing!"
- Daily Review
"Rowan Witt is so charming.
There is a reality and groundedness
to his portrayal which has no overt
yearning or sloppy sentimentality.
His creation is human and competent
and relatable."
- Sydney Arts Guide
"Witt is utterly endearing.
A consistently brilliant performance."
- Broadway World
"Rowan Witt as Nowack is superb!
He’s the image of glowing, boyish charm."
- On The Town
"An absolute delight!
This performance attests to Witt’s
wonderful talent."
- Theatre People
"Enchanting in every aspect,
and breathtakingly good."
- Sydney Arts Guide
(SUNDANCE original TV series)
(PARAMOUNT+'s first original Australian TV series)
(Sydney Premiere)
"This is a near-faultless production and
Witt's performance is a wallop in the gut!"
- The Music
"The standout performance in Gloria
is given by Witt, with some of the most detailed characterisation I've seen."
- Theatre Travels
"Rowan Witt is quite brilliant!"
- The Audrey Journal
"Witt's natural ability and extensive
experience is evident as he authentically delivers a truly faultless performance start to finish."
- Theatre Travels
"Transfixing and terrifically performed.
Witt is excellent!"
- Theatre People
"Witt’s representation of a man changed
and a man lost is remarkable."
- Nightwrites
"Witt is the kind of actor
that musical theatre needs!"
- Aussie Theatre
"Swaggeringly macho,
Witt gives a very convincing portrayal of Bernstein, who gets high on the general macho posturing and snaps in a
surprisingly brutal moment."
- Jo Litson
"Rowan Witt brings a depth of detail to Jack beyond any performance I’ve seen to date."
- Limelight Magazine
"Witt is a talent to watch.
His performance is terrifically crafted, ensuring that he’s not just funny, he’s believable too.
It’s rare to come across a young singer who can find so much detail in a role without ever pulling focus."
- Clive Paget